Installing and setting up debexpo

debexpo is easy to set up on your own. Simply follow the instructions below.

Installing on Debian Lenny:

You need to install the required packages. Using apt, you should execute:

sudo aptitude install python-setuptools python-apt python-sphinx python-pylons python-debian python-sqlalchemy python-soappy lintian dpkg-dev python-nose python-pybabel

lintian and dpkg-dev are optional if you do not want to run any plugins, and python-nose is optional if you don’t want to run the test suite.

Getting debexpo

You can either download a release tarball, or clone from the Git repository.

The debexpo website will contain details about releases.

Or you can clone the repository contents by executing:

git clone git://

Editing your configuration

Create a configuration file:

paster make-config debexpo debexpo.ini

Next you should edit the default configuration file debexpo.ini. You should only have to look at options with the DEBEXPO comment preceeding them. You can find explanations of the debexpo.* options on the Config file page.

If you just want to get it running somehow, edit at least the path debexpo.repository = /tmp/debexpo_cache/.

Setting up the application

Execute the following commands to setup the application:

paster setup-app debexpo.ini
python compile_catalog

Running debexpo

Using paste’s built-in webserver

Simply execute:

paster serve debexpo.ini

and visit http://localhost:5000/ in your web browser.

Using Apache

(Canonical instructions for getting Pylons apps working under Apache are here.)

  1. Install apache2, mod-fastcgi and flup:

    sudo apt-get install python-flup apache2 libapache2-mod-fastcgi
  2. Edit the server:main section of your debexpo.ini so it reads something like this:

    use = egg:PasteScript#flup_fcgi_thread
    host =
    port = 6500
  3. Add the following to your config:

    <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
      FastCgiIpcDir /tmp
      FastCgiExternalServer /some/path/to/debexpo.fcgi -host localhost:6500

Note: Parts of this may conflict with your /etc/apache2/conf-available/fastcgi.conf.

/some/path/to/debexpo/fcgi need not physically exist on the webserver.