SOAP documentation

debexpo repositories can be accessed by using SOAP using its soap controller. Its methods are described below:


Returns an array of packages given an uploader’s email address.

email is the email address you are querying.


Returns an array of packages given a section name.

name is the name of the section you are querying.


Returns an array of packages given a maintainer’s email address.

email is the email address you are querying.


Returns an array of all packages.

package(name, version)

Returns details on a specific package and version.

name is the package name you are querying.

version is the version name you are querying.

Example client

Using SOAPpy:

import SOAPpy
server = SOAPpy.SOAPProxy("http://localhost:5000/soap")
print server.section(name='utils')

And the output:

<SOAPpy.Types.structType retval at 141282572>: {'stringArray': <SOAPpy.Types.structType stringArray at 141279660>: {'string': ['odccm', '0.11.1-17', 'Jonny Lamb <>', 'odccm - Daemon to keep a connection to Windows Mobile device', 'http://localhost:5000/package/odccm']}}